Welcome to the Good Life.

Typing from a Type A, strives of being a bad bitch.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Pursuit.

This year has been difficult for a lot of people I've been close too and causal with. However, one sad outcome has been the revelation of what it means to be down. I hope within time they will be able to move forward with strength, bravery and soul assurance. I've been there and had done a lot of spring cleaning which reminded me of these quotes, "Never regret the past, the only thing you should regret is the time you wasted with the wrong person" & "less friends, less bullshit. Keep your circle small". Real talk, as the exiters are usually people who aren't able to admit the truth when told all things real or are able to be a real person. And you may be the one showing them the door as a result of their fallacies, delusions, lies, exaggeration, shady characteristics, assumptions, and just plain crazy. These types of folks make u wanna go deaf so u don't have to listen to their irrationalities and selfish NPD conversations. I've dealt with plenty of them. Ughhh. 

Whack weaksauce people annoy me. Don't be Whack. Please. 

I've also learned this year a simple act of humanity. My BFF told me that people will believe whatever they will about you and there's nothing you can do to change that. This helped me see that sometimes you can inspire and prove points and other times you're just fucked. All good, as that's life and it reminds me that you can only just do YOU. 

As another year is ending that's worth reflection, there's always a bad with the good but I keeps my head up and focus on the great memories and people surrounding me. I've got such down ass bitches and wonderful familia. And a husband holds me like my favorite poetic expression, "If I were on the highest cliff on the highest riff, and you slipped off the side and clinched on to your life in my grip, I would never, ever, let you down." Happy New Year and keep the resolutions TRILL.