Moving along like a gang of picnic ants stealing the food from a picnic basket (I remember this from an old skool cartoon...I wanna say Yogi Bear but I'm not sure), I have been trying to get in shape for fabulousity, and staying good from beinging a shopping whore (although I am boarderlining it if you consider my Jimmy Choo purchases, Sephora buys and Cyber Mondays).
Its now the time to jumpstart the early New Years hydrogenated oils, meaning chippies, which are my vices, shooogar, blame-it-on-the-alcohol, work out to you pass out, hungry =displeasurable yet satisfactionary results, bitches who do not honor reciprocity will get no love, bookworming it, and plan my wedding. Ha. I guess my priorities are madd clear...Get Skinny or Die Trying, then get hitched.
Lastly, sharing my passionate makeup hobbie, I purchased NYC liquid eyeliner in black pearl for $2 and it works good for a cheapy brand...just apply a thin layer and gradual winged out techique to prevent crackles (for realz!). Also, Target has E.L.F. products for the holidays for uno dinero, which includes an real decent eyeshadow brush and liquid eyeliner too...just don't get the pen form because the color is madd faint.
As I Leave this bitch, here is a look that I did which was inspired by Sephora's Candy Colored Eyes poster:
So blend blend blend and stay warm. Pizzease.
Music Therapy: Forever by Drake, Kanye, Lil Wayne & Em.
"It may not mean nothin to yall but understand nothin was done for me. So I don't plan on stoppin at all, I want this shit forever...Last name ever, first name greatest. like a sprained ankle boy, I aint nothing to play with".
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